WAVES 2017
The 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus
May 15−19, 2017
The 13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation will be held at the University of Minnesota. This biannual conference series is one of the main venues for dissemination of the latest advances in theoretical and computational modeling of wave phenomena, catering to the emerging problems in science and technology.
Conference Themes: Forward and Inverse Scattering, Fast Computational Techniques, Numerical Analysis, Domain Decomposition, Analytical & Asymptotic Methods, Nonlinear Wave Phenomena, Water Waves, Guided Waves and Random Media, Medical and Seismic Imaging, Homogenization of Wave Problems, Modeling Aspects in Photonics and Phononics, Mathematical Problems in Optics.
Organizers: Bojan Guzina and Stefano Gonella