1. P. Salasiya and B.B. Guzina (2025). “A simple tool for the optimization of 1D phononic and photonic crystals”, J. Comp. Phys, 524, 113723. Article
  2. 2024

  3. P. Salasiya, S. Meng, and B.B. Guzina (2024). “Plug-and-play analytical paradigm for the scattering of plane waves by `layer-cake’ periodic systems”, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 480, 20240118. Article
  4. M. Bonnet, P. Salasiya, and B.B. Guzina (2024). “Modified error-in-constitutive-relation (MECR) framework for the characterization of linear viscoelastic solids”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids , 190, 105746.  , Article
  5. A.A.M. Da Silva, A.A. Novotny, A.A.S. Amad and B.B. Guzina (2024). “Full-waveform reconstruction of micro-seismic events via topological derivative approach”, J. Comp. Phys., 510, 113099. Article
  6. D.V. Kennedy, B.B. Guzina, and J.F. Labuz (2024). “Nondestructive evaluation of pile length for high-mast light towers”, J. Geotech. Geoenv. Eng., ASCE, 150, 04024059. Article
  7. 2023

  8. D.V. Kennedy, B.B. Guzina, and J.F. Labuz (2023). “A machine learning framework for in situ sensing of pile length from seismic cone penetrometer data”, Computers & Geotechnics, 159, 105505. Article
  9. 2022

  10. O. Oudghiri-Idrissi and B.B. Guzina (2022). “Effective linear wave motion in periodic origami structures”, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 399, 115386. Article  
  11. B.B. Guzina, O. Oudghiri-Idrissi and S. Meng (2022). “Asymptotic anatomy of the Berry phase for scalar waves in 2D periodic continua”, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 478, 20220110. Article
  12. D.P. Shahraki and B.B. Guzina (2022). “From d’Alembert to Bloch and back: A semi-analytical solution of 1D boundary value problems governed by the wave equation in periodic media”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 234-5, 111239.  Article
  13. D.P. Shahraki and B.B. Guzina (2022). “Homogenization of the wave equation with non-uniformly oscillating coefficients”, Math. Mech. Solids 27, 1-25,  Article
  14. 2021

  15. S. Meng, O. Oudghiri-Idrissi, and B.B. Guzina (2021). “A convergent low-wavenumber, high-frequency homogenization of the wave equation in periodic media with a source term”, Applicable Analysis, 101, 1-34. Article
  16. B.B. Guzina, and M. Bonnet (2021). “Effective wave motion in periodic discontinua near spectral singularities at finite frequencies and wavenumbers”,  Wave Motion, 103, 102729 (32pp). Article
  17. O. Oudghiri-Idrissi, B.B. Guzina, and S. Meng (2021). “On the spectral asymptotics of waves in periodic media with Dirichlet or Neumann exclusions”,  Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 74, 173–221. Article
  18. 2020

  19. A.A.S. Amad, A.A. Novotny, and B.B. Guzina (2020). “On the full-waveform inversion of seismic moment tensors”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 202, 717-728. Article
  20. R. Cornaggia and B.B. Guzina (2020). “Second-order homogenization of boundary and transmission conditions for one-dimensional waves in periodic media”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 1889, 88-102. Article
  21. D.P. Shahraki, V. Kumar, S. Ghavami, M.W. Urban, A. Alizad, B.B. Guzina, and M. Fatemi (2020). “C-elastography: in vitro feasibility phantom study”, Ultras. Med. Biol., 46, 1738-54. Article
  22. 2019

  23. T.P. Ngyen and B.B. Guzina (2019). “Generalized Linear Sampling Method for the inverse elastic scattering of fractures in finite bodies”, Inverse Problems, 35, 104002 (16pp). Article
  24. F. Cakoni, B.B. Guzina, S. Moskow, and T. Pangburn (2019). “Scattering by a bounded highly oscillating periodic medium and the effect of boundary correctors”, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 79, 1448–1474. Article
  25. B.B. Guzina, S. Meng and O. Oudghiri-Idrissi (2019). “A rational framework for dynamic homogenization at finite wavelengths and frequencies”, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 475, 20180547. Article
  26. 2018

  27. M. Bonnet, R. Cornaggia, and B.B. Guzina (2018). “Microstructural topological sensitivities of the second-order macroscopic model for waves in periodic media”, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 78, 2057–2082. Article
  28. F. Pourahmadian and B.B. Guzina (2018). “On the elastic anatomy of heterogeneous fractures in rock”,  Int. J. Rock. Mech. Min. Sci. 106, 259-268. Article
  29. S. Meng and B.B. Guzina (2018). “On the dynamic homogenization of periodic media: Willis’ approach versus two-scale paradigm”,  Proc. Roy. Soc. A474, 20170638 (27pp). Article
  30. 2017

  31. F. Pourahmadian, B.B. Guzina, and H. Haddar (2017). “A synoptic approach to the seismic sensing of heterogeneous fractures: From geometric reconstruction to interfacial characterization”,  Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng.324, 395-412. Article
  32. F. Pourahmadian, B.B. Guzina, and H. Haddar (2017). “Generalized linear sampling method for elastic-wave sensing of heterogeneous fractures”, Inverse Problems33, 055007 (32pp). Article
  33. E. Dontsov and B.B. Guzina (2017). “Direction-independent algorithm for simulating nonlinear pressure waves”,  J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 143, 04017006 (6pp). Article
  34. 2016

  35. F. Cakoni, B.B. Guzina, and S. Moskow (2016). “On the homogenization of a scalar scattering problem for highly oscillating anisotropic media”, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 48, 2532-2560. Article
  36. 2015

  37. S.A. Lambert, S.P. Nasholm, D. Nordsletten, C. Michler, L. Judge, J-M. Serfaty, L. Bliston, B.B. Guzina, S. Holm, and R. Sinkus (2015). “Bridging three orders of magnitude: Multiple scattered waves sense fractal microscopic structures via dispersion”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 094301 (6pp). Article
  38. B.B. Guzina and F. Pourahmadian (2015). “Why the high-frequency inverse scattering by topological sensitivity may work”, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 471, 20150187 (29 pp). Article
  39. B.B. Guzina, E.V. Dontsov, M. Urban, and M. Fatemi (2015). “The ‘sixth’ sense of ultrasound: probing nonlinear elasticity with acoustic radiation force”, Phys. Med. Biol.,  60, 3775-3794. Article
  40. A. Wautier and B.B. Guzina (2015). “On the second-order homogenization of wave motion in periodic media and the sound of a chessboard”,  J. Mech. Phys. Solids78, 382-414. Article
  41. F. Pourahmadian and B. Guzina (2015). ” On the elastic-wave imaging and characterization of fractures with specific stiffness”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 71, 125-140. Article
  42. 2014

  43. H. Yuan, B.B. Guzina, and R. Sinkus (2014). “Application of topological sensitivity toward tissue elasticity imaging using magnetic resonance data”, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 140, 443-453. Article
  44. 2013

  45. R.D. Tokmashev, A. Tixier, and B.B. Guzina (2013). “Experimental validation of the topological sensitivity approach to elastic-wave imaging”, Inverse Problems, 29, 125005 (25pp).  Article
  46. E.V. Dontsov, R.D. Tokmashev, and B.B. Guzina (2013). “A physical perspective of the length scales in gradient elasticity through the prism of wave dispersion”, Int. J. Solids Struct,, 50, 3674-3684. Article
  47. E.V. Dontsov and B.B. Guzina (2013). “Dual-time approach to the numerical simulation of modulated nonlinear ultrasound fields”, Acta Acoustica, 99, 777-791. Article
  48. C. Bellis, M. Bonnet and B.B. Guzina (2013). “Aposition of the topological sensitivity and linear sampling approaches to inverse scattering”, Wave Motion, 50, 891-908. Article
  49. E.V. Dontsov and B.B. Guzina (2013). “On the KZK-type equation for modulated ultrasound fields”, Wave Motion, 50, 763-775. Article
  50. H. Yuan, B.B. Guzina, S. Chen. R. Kinnick, and M. Fatemi (2013). “Application of topological sensitivity toward soft-tissue characterization from vibro-acoustography measurements”, J. Comp. Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME, 8, 034503 (6 pp). Article
  51. C. Bellis, F. Cakoni, and B.B. Guzina (2013). “Nature of the transmission eigenvalue spectrum for elastic bodies”, IMA J. Appl. Math. 78, 895-923. Article
  52. 2012

  53. E.V. Dontsov and B.B. Guzina (2012). “Acoustic radiation force in tissue-like solids due to modulated sound field”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 60, 1791-1813.  Article
  54. H. Yuan and B.B. Guzina (2012). “Topological sensitivity for vibro-acoustography aplications”, Wave Motion, 49, 765-781.  Article
  55. H. Yuan, B.B. Guzina, S. Chen, R.R. Kinnick and M. Fatemi (2012). “Estimation of the complex shear modulus in tissue-mimicking materials from optical vibrometry measurements”, Inv. Probl. Sci. Eng., 20, 173-187.  Article
  56. 2011

  57. Y. Cao, J.F. Labuz, and B.B. Guzina (2011). “Evaluation of pavement systems based on ground-penetrating radar full-waveform simulation”,  Transp. Research Record, 2227, 71-78.  Article
  58. Y. Cao and B.B. Guzina (2011). “Field forms of the layered electromagnetic Green’s functions by TE and TM potentials”, Radio Science, 46, RS6003 (14 pp). Article
  59. M. Bialas and B.B. Guzina (2011). “On the viscoelastic characterization of thin tissues via surface-wave sensing”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 48,  2209-2217. Article
  60. E. Dontsov and B.B. Guzina (2011). Effect of low-frequency modulation on the acoustic radiation force in Newtonian Fluids, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 71, 356-378. Article
  61. 2010

  62. B.B. Guzina, F. Cakoni, and C. Bellis (2010). “On the multi-frequency obstacle reconstruction via the linear sampling method”, Inverse Problems, 26,  125005 (29 pp)  Article
  63. H. Yuan and B.B. Guzina (2010). “Reconstruction of viscoelastic tissue properties from MR elastography-type measurements”, Compt. Rend. Mecanique, 338, 480-488. Article
  64. C. Bellis and B.B. Guzina (2010). “On the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the interior transmission problem for piecewise-homogeneous solids”, J . Elasticity, 101, 29-57.  Article
  65. 2009

  66. E.M. Thompson, L.G. Baise, R.E. Kayen, and B.B. Guzina (2009). “Impediments to predicting site response: seismic property estimation and modeling simplifications”, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 99, 2927-2949. Article
  67. B.B. Guzina, K. Tuleubekov, D. Liu and E.S. Ebbini (2009). “Viscoelastic characterization of thin tissues using acoustic radiation force and model-based inversion”, Phys. Med. Biol., 54, 4089-4112. Article
  68. B. B. Guzina and H. Yuan (2009).  “On the small-defect perturbation and sampling of heterogeneous solids”, Acta Mechanica, 205, 51-75. Article
  69. M. Bonnet and B.B. Guzina (2009). “Elastic-wave identification of penetrable obstacles using shape-material sensitivity framework”, J. Comp. Phys,, 228, 294-311 Article
  70. 2008

  71. I. Chikichev and B.B. Guzina (2008). “Generalized topological derivative for the Navier equation and inverse scattering in the time domain”, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng,, 197, 4467-4484 Article
  72. A. Malcolm and B.B. Guzina (2008). “On the topological sensitivity of transient acoustic fields”, Wave Motion, 45, 821-834.   Article
  73. M. Bonnet, B.B. Guzina and N. Nemitz (2008). “Fast non-iterative methods for defect identification”, Eur. J. Comp. Mech., 17, 571-582. Article
  74. 2007

  75. S. Nintcheu and B.B. Guzina (2007). “Elastic scatterer reconstruction via the adjoint sampling method”, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 67, 1330-1352. Article
  76. B.B. Guzina and A. Madyarov (2007). “A linear sampling approach to inverse elastic scattering in piecewise-homogeneous domains”, Inverse Problems, 23, 1467-1493.  Article
  77. T.M. Westover and B.B. Guzina (2007). “Engineering framework for the self-consistent analysis of FWD data”, Transp. Research Record, 2005, 55-63.  Article
  78. B.B. Guzina and I. Chikichev (2007). “From imaging to material characterization: a generalized concept of topological sensitivity”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 55, 245-279.  Article
  79. A. Jain, B.B. Guzina and V.R. Voller (2007). “Effects of overburden on joint spacing in layered rocks”, J. Struct. Geology, 29, 288-297. Article
  80. 2006

  81. B.B. Guzina and M. Bonnet (2006). “Small-inclusion asymptotic of misfit functionals for inverse problems in acoustics”, Inverse Problems, 22, 1761-1785. Article
  82. K. Baganas, B.B. Guzina, A. Charalambopoulos and G.D. Manolis (2006). “A linear sampling method for the inverse transmission problem in near-field elastodynamics”, Inverse Problems, 22, 1835-1853. Article
  83. B.B. Guzina, R.Y.S. Pak and A.E. Martinez-Castro (2006). “Singular boundary elements for three-dimensional elasticity problems”, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 30, 623-639.  Article
  84. A.I. Madyarov and B.B. Guzina (2006). “A radiation condition for layered elastic media”, J. Elasticity, 82, 73-98  Article
  85. 2005

  86. B.B. Guzina and A.I. Madyarov (2005). “On the spectral analysis of Love waves”, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 95, 1150-1169.  Article
  87. 2004

  88. M. Bonnet and B.B. Guzina (2004). Topological derivative applied to cavity identification from elastodynamic surface measurements. Rev. Eur. Elem., 13, 425-436. Article
  89. B.B. Guzina, D. Timm, and V. Voller (2004). “Crack spacing in strained films”, J. de Physique IV, 120, 201-208.  Article
  90. O.J-M. Hoffmann, B.B. Guzina, and A. Drescher (2004). “Stiffness estimates using portable deflectometers”, Transp. Research Record, 1869, 59-66.  Article
  91. M. Bonnet and B.B. Guzina (2004). “Sounding of finite solid bodies by way of topological derivative”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 61,  2344-2373.  Article
  92. S. Nintcheu and B.B. Guzina (2004). “A linear sampling method for near-field inverse problems in elastodynamics”, Inverse Problems, 20, 713-736.  Article
  93. B.B. Guzina and M. Bonnet (2004). “Topological derivative for the inverse scattering of elastic waves”, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 57, 161-179.  Article
  94. 2003

  95. S. Nintcheu, B.B. Guzina, and M. Bonnet (2003). “Computational basis for the boundary integral solution to inverse scattering problems in elastodynamics”, Comp. Mechanics, 32, 370-380.  Article
  96. B.B. Guzina, S. Nintcheu, and M. Bonnet (2003). “On the stress-wave imaging of cavities in a semi-infinite solid”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 40, 1505-1523.  Article
  97. D. Timm, B.B. Guzina, and V. Voller (2003). “Prediction of thermal crack spacing”, Int. J. Solids Struct.., 40, 125-142.  Article
  98. 2002

  99. B.B. Guzina and R.H Osburn (2002). “An effective tool for enhancing the elastostatic pavement diagnosis”, Transp. Research Record, 1806, 30-37.  Article
  100. B.B. Guzina and S. Nintcheu (2002). “A study of ground-structure interaction in dynamic plate load testing”, Int. J. Num. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 26, 1147-1166.  Article
  101. R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (2002). “Three-dimensional Green’s functions for a multilayered half-space by a method of potentials”, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 128, 449-461.  Article
  102. B.B. Guzina and A. Lu (2002). “Coupled waveform analysis in dynamic characterization of lossy solids.”, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 128, 392-402.  Article
  103. 2001

  104. B.B. Guzina and S. Nintcheu (2001). “Axial vibration of a padded annulus on a semi-infinite viscoelastic medium.”, J. Appl. Mech., ASME, 68, 923-928.  Article
  105. B.B. Guzina and R.Y.S. Pak (2001). “On the analysis of wave motions in a multi-layered solid”, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 54, 13-37.  Article
  106. 1999

  107. R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (1999). “Seismic soil-structure interaction analysis by direct boundary element formulations”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 36, 4743-4766.  Article
  108. B.B. Guzina and R.Y.S. Pak (1999). “Static fundamental solutions for a bi-material full-space”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 36, 493-516.  Article
  109. 1998

  110. B.B. Guzina and R.Y.S. Pak (1998). “Vertical vibration of a circular footing on a linear-wave-velocity half-space”, Geotechnique, 48, 159-168.  Article
  111. 1996

  112. B.B. Guzina and R.Y.S. Pak (1996). “Elastodynamic Green’s functions for a smoothly heterogeneous half-space”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 33, 1005-1021.  Article
  113. 1995

  114. R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (1995). “Three-dimensional wave propagation analysis of a smoothly heterogeneous solid”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids , 43, 533-551.  Article
  115. B.B. Guzina, E. Rizzi, K. Willam and R.Y.S. Pak (1995). “Failure prediction of smeared crack formulations”, J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 121, 150-161.  Article
  116. R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (1995). “Dynamic characterization of vertically loaded foundations on granular soils”, J. Geotech. Eng., ASCE, 121, 274-286.  Article