- B.B. Guzina and I. Chikichev (2004). “On the use of Second-order Topological Information for Subsurface Imaging by Elastic Waves.” XXI International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics}, Warsaw, Poland, August 2004. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina and I. Chikichev (2004). “On the Generalized Concept of Topological Sensitivity.” 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyvaskyla, Finland, July 2004 Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina, R.Y.S. Pak, and A. Martinez-Castro (2004). “Singular Boundary Elements for Three-dimensional Elasticity Problems.” 17th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference}, Newark, Delaware, June 2004. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina and M. Bonnet (2003). “Topological derivative for the inverse scattering of elastic waves.” 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics}, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 2003. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina and A. Madyarov (2003). “A computational basis for the spectral analysis of Love waves.” 16th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, New York, New York, July 2003. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina and V.R. Voller (2003). “Crack spacing in strained coatings on cohesive substrates.” 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics}, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 2003. Continue reading →
- S.F. Nintcheu and B.B. Guzina (2003). “Elastodynamic identification of subterranean objects via the linear sampling method.” 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics}, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 2003. Continue reading →
S.F. Nintcheu, B.B. Guzina, and M. Bonnet (2002).
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“A computational basis for the elastic-wave mapping of underground cavities.” Proc. IABEM 2002 Symposium}, Austin, Texas, May 2002.- B.B. Guzina and R. Osburn. (2002). “An Effective Tool for Enhancing the Static Backcalculation of Pavement Moduli “, 81st Annual Meeeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2002. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina, S.F. Nintcheu, and M. Bonnet (2001). “An Elastodynamic BIE Approach to Underground Cavity Detection”, Joint Meeting of Boundary Element Techniques and International Association of Boundary Elements, New Brunswick, New Jersey, July 2001. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina and S.F. Nintcheu (2000). “Dynamic Response of a Padded Annular Footing on a Uniform Elastic Half-Space”, 14th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2000. Continue reading →
- B.B. Guzina and A. Lu (1999). “Full Waveform Analysis in Site and Material Characterization by Seismic Methods”, Proceedings, 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, June 1999. Continue reading →
- R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (1997). “Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Problems by Direct Boundary Element Method”, McNU’97 – Joint ASME, ASCE and SES Summer Meeting, Evanston, Illinois, June 1997. Continue reading →
- F. Abedzadeh, R.Y.S. Pak, F. Ji and B.B. Guzina (1995). “Experimental Modeling of Pile Group in Clayey Soil”, 10th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boulder, Colorado, May 1995. Continue reading →
- R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (1994). “Physical Simulation of Dynamic Soil-Foundation Systems on Unbounded Media”, Centrifuge 94, Kent Ridge, Singapore, August 1994. Continue reading →
- R.Y.S. Pak and B.B. Guzina (1992). “Experimental and Theoretical Dynamic Compliances of Foundations”, 9th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, College Station, Texas, May 1992. Continue reading →