Entries by Bojan Guzina

D.P. Shahraki and B.B. Guzina (2022). From d’Alembert to Bloch and back: A semi-analytical solution of 1D boundary value problems governed by the wave equation in periodic media, Int. J. Solids Struct., 234-5, 111239. 

D.P. Shahraki and B.B. Guzina (2022). “From d’Alembert to Bloch and back: A semi-analytical solution of 1D boundary value problems governed by the wave equation in periodic media”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 234-5, 111239.  Article

Remi Cornaggia appointed Assistant Professor at Sorbonne Université – Institut d’Alembert

Following a 2-year postdoctoral appointment at Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (Marseille, France) and a in at the University of Minnesota,  Remi Cornaggia, a former PhD student co-advised with Marc Bonnet (through the co-directed PhD program with Ecole Polytechnique), has joined Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, Sorbonne University, as Assistant Professor in November 2020.