S.A. Lambert, S.P. Nasholm, D. Nordsletten, C. Michler, L. Judge, J-M. Serfaty, L. Bliston, B.B. Guzina, S. Holm, and R. Sinkus (2015). “Bridging three orders of magnitude: Multiple scattered waves sense fractal microscopic structures via dispersion”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 094301 (6pp).

S.A. Lambert, S.P. Nasholm, D. Nordsletten, C. Michler, L. Judge, J-M. Serfaty, L. Bliston, B.B. Guzina, S. Holm, and R. Sinkus (2015). “Bridging three orders of magnitude: Multiple scattered waves sense fractal microscopic structures via dispersion”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 094301 (6pp). Article