H. Yuan and B.B. Guzina (2012). “Topological sensitivity for vibro-acoustography aplications”, Wave Motion, 49, 765-781.
H. Yuan and B.B. Guzina (2012). “Topological sensitivity for vibro-acoustography aplications”, Wave Motion, 49, 765-781. Article
H. Yuan and B.B. Guzina (2012). “Topological sensitivity for vibro-acoustography aplications”, Wave Motion, 49, 765-781. Article
H. Yuan, B.B. Guzina, S. Chen, R.R. Kinnick and M. Fatemi (2012). “Estimation of the complex shear modulus in tissue-mimicking materials from optical vibrometry measurements”, Inv. Probl. Sci. Eng., 20, 173-187. Article
Y. Cao, J.F. Labuz, and B.B. Guzina (2011). “Evaluation of pavement systems based on ground-penetrating radar full-waveform simulation”, Transp. Research Record, 2227, 71-78. Article
Y. Cao and B.B. Guzina (2011). “Field forms of the layered electromagnetic Green’s functions by TE and TM potentials”, Radio Science, 46, RS6003 (14 pp). Article
M. Bialas and B.B. Guzina (2011). “On the viscoelastic characterization of thin tissues via surface-wave sensing”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 48, 2209-2217. Article
E. Dontsov and B.B. Guzina (2011). Effect of low-frequency modulation on the acoustic radiation force in Newtonian Fluids, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 71, 356-378. Article
B.B. Guzina, F. Cakoni, and C. Bellis (2010). “On the multi-frequency obstacle reconstruction via the linear sampling method”, Inverse Problems, 26, 125005 (29 pp) Article
H. Yuan and B.B. Guzina (2010). “Reconstruction of viscoelastic tissue properties from MR elastography-type measurements”, Compt. Rend. Mecanique, 338, 480-488. Article
C. Bellis and B.B. Guzina (2010). “On the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the interior transmission problem for piecewise-homogeneous solids”, J . Elasticity, 101, 29-57. Article
E.M. Thompson, L.G. Baise, R.E. Kayen, and B.B. Guzina (2009). “Impediments to predicting site response: seismic property estimation and modeling simplifications”, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 99, 2927-2949. Article